Excited to see that the uber sexy Danish version of ‘A Girl Walks Into a Bar’ is now out. Our publisher was kind enough to send us a copy. Here’s a spread: (ahem, pardon while I pun.) Either ‘SLUT’ in Danish means ‘the end’, or those Danes really call it like they see it.
Tag: A Girl Walks Into a Bar
Porn vs. Erotica
Happy Monday all. Here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times column. Hope you enjoy. xoxo A MILLION MILES FROM NORMAL – By Paige Nick PORN VS EROTICA I recently became a co-author of materials of a dubious nature, in the form of a series of choose-your-own-adventure erotic novels. Some call it erotica, others call it pornography. To be…
Steamy windows
Over at Women24, they’ve kindly published an excerpt from A Girl Walks into a Bar, just to whet any appetites that are currently in need of whetting. But be warned, it is NSFW, it is only safe for play – things might get a little steamy up in your monitor: If after reading this…
The ins and outs of writing erotica
Check out this fun but probing interview by the most wonderful Kelly Ansara, with all three Girl Walks into a Bar authors. It’s on the ins and outs of writing an erotic novel. http://itsabookthingblog.blogspot.com/2013/07/a-girl-walks-into-bar-by-helena-s-paige.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Kelly loves books like nobody’s business, and I always enjoy her blog. She does awesome Author’s Pie interviews with every incredible…
Grazie Grazia
There’s a fab article in the latest Grazia mag on our new series of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure erotic novels. The first of which, A Girl Walks into a Bar, launched yesterday. The mag looks like this: And the article looks like this: You can read all about why we call ourselves the porn elves, where the idea…
And we're off
Today is an important day. A day that’s wearing sunshine and high heels, and later maybe even some champagne. Today A Girl Walks into a Bar launches as an e-book in SA and UK. It’s the first ever choose-your-own-adventure erotic novel. Which means you get to choose what happens. Wanna shag a rock star? Do…
Born in the USA
I can’t believe it’s just three more sleeps till we launch our first Girl Choose-Your-Own Erotic Adventure book, then cross our fingers and toes and hope like hell that you all have as much fun reading it as we had writing it. It’s been a happy rollercoaster ride since November last year when Sarah Lotz,…
Danish cover reveal
I’ve never been to the Kingdom of Denmark. But any place that calls itself a Kingdom get’s my vote. Maybe that’s just because I’m used to a Presidencydom, which is a different kind of dom. The Danish are awesome! They have vikings, and a female prime minister, and according to Wikipedia, they are frequently ranked…
Italian cover reveal
If I was in Italy on 28th June this year, I would ride a Vespa. Or more likely, I would fall off a Vespa, as I’ve never ridden one before. And then hopefully a gorgeous Italian man, named Giuseppe, would help me up. And I would be embarrassed, but not THAT embarrassed, because I would…
French cover reveal
If you are French, you like to eat croissant. And you say it cwasson’, not croysant as the spelling may indicate. You also annoy people with your thinness, and poise, and the fact that even though you live on a steady diet of cwasson’ and baguette, you somehow still manage to remain permanently thin, or…