i know, it’s childish, but seriously these two things made me laugh until i weed a little bit and milk came out my nose (even though i wasn’t drinking milk at the time).

i’ve been thinking, i might have to stop using ‘lol’. it’s just not funny anymore. and i’m starting to irritate myself with it. it’s lol this and lol that, when surely a good old fashioned ‘wahahahahhaa’ or ‘that was funny’ would suffice. how do you laugh in writing anyway, it’s altogether a strange concept.
then there are lol’s close friends, ROFLMAO, not to be confused with the commedian ROLF HARRIS. who sang a song about having three legs. (FYI – he meant that he had a long penis).
anyway, so the point is that i’m restricting my lol use. i’m going to try cutting back at first, maybe from like a pack a day to only one or two and then hopefully down to nothing.
i hope quitting doesn’t make me put on weight.
does anyone know if they make lol patches?
I use it myself but it is very annoying. Maybe just typing out Laugh will suffice? Laugh Laugh! Maybe not.
quite like the idea of typing out ‘laugh’, or maybe ‘funny’, although it still doesn’t quite have the same raucousness as actually laughing or doing that other thing i mentioned (i’d rather not use up the one or two i’ve got rationed for today so early.)
i use “lol” purely to irritate my 14 yr old daughter, works like a bomb!