nerd much. yeah yeah yeah, i like scrabble! whatchoo gonna do? you know i heard somewhere that nerd is the new cool. read this trends book where they said teenagers (boys and girls) in america are knitting up a storm. so, maybe i’m actually ahead of the times, and not lagging desperately behind them.
anyway this is one of the very last very warm welcoming hello‘s – for eight points – and it goes to new follower Mandima Qunta – follower number 91. i would have put hi, but that was only worth five points.
(you go juz, you’re giving me a good whupping at 97 to my 91. love your work. you bastard i hate you. no really, well done old chap. i’m going to kill you in your sleep. jolly good, great cartoon!)
Woot woot! its your birthday, its your birthday party like its the nineties… (I totally do not know the words to whatever song I am trying to sing!)