About a week ago my next door neighbour bought a vuvuzela. (Along with the rest of the nation.)
And when he was busy blowing that thing tunelessly at 4am the other morning I thought oh my G-d, the vuvuzela, that is the worst idea ever.
Now please, don’t think me unpatriotic. But really, as a musical, lyrical nation is that seriously the best we could do?
what about this thing? (Does it have a name?) Wouldn’t that have been better?
it’s pocket-sized, handmade from natural locally sourced, mostly biodegradable materials and it’s representative of our culture.
or if we were really in it for some Jap-crap plastic, what about this thing:
or calabashes, and drums:
i live so close to the stadium in Durban I almost died during last nights game. Not Cool.
Yeah, on tv, it just sounds like a bunch of bees.
You’re gonna hate me, but where I live in the middle of nowhere, you hear…diddly squat. If I want noise, passion & excitement I just turn up the volume on the old big screen mama of a TV I have taking up half a freaking wall in the bedroom.
liquid pixel, i am jealous. i live quite close to city centre and it’s PaaaaaarP City.
Jules, did you watch the super 14 rugby final on tv? I did and was deafened by the vuvu’s. the players were saying they could hardly hear the ref’s whistle.
Wozzie, I feel your pain.
Oh, and by the way, WTF (seriously!!!) is with the guy doing squats on the Pilates ball thingey??
liquid pix, i’ve been waiting patiently all day for someone to comment on that! what the fuck is up with that, right?
Erm KY is useful stuff hey .. ?
That IS ky?
I love those other musical devices, great ideas! my mate has one of them unnamed plonkers, i love sitting and making a tuneless tune 😀
bwahahahahahahahaa KY that’s really funny abraxas.
ever had anything waxed abraxas? c’mon you can tell us. we’re all friends here.
I’m with you on this one!! It’s driving me nuts!! (Good spirit though)
oh right … no … um … *blush*
i also like those whizzbang noise thingies that you turn … 😀
I can totally relate – my sister that lives with me loves the vuvuzela, she uses it every chance she gets, since i have bought the vuvuzero t-shirt, ive gotten quite a bit of attention since wearing it around those vuvu lovers 😛
Lol Abraxas! I’m quite fascinated as to how you go about applying your KY!! With a wooden sucker stick, I presume? 🙂
@cheryl – that vuvuzero t-shirt is classic! i love it. eish, i know blood is supposed to be thicker than water, but if one of my siblings had a vuvu… i’m not so sure…
@liquid pix and abraxas…i repeat – bwahahahahha. hmmm now i’m going to have to go and research KY Jelly. Now look what you’ve gone and done!
Oh I would have LOVED the sound of a million drums. Just imagine….so much more beautiful than the vuvuzela
oh yeah melany, i would have loved that. somehow drums manage to be powerful, but not overbearing, which is the prob i have with the vuvu, other than certain deafness, it’s just so overbearing.