So in case you missed my blog post on Saturday about The Netherlands’ Number One Porn Star, Bobbi Eden, you should read that first over here, and then come back and read the rest of this post.
Okay, so now you know all about Bobbi Eden, the porn star who promised all her followers on Twitter a free blow job if the Netherlands won the world cup. And at the precise point that Spain scored the only goal in the game, to take them to a win, she had exactly 113 062 followers. Man, that’s a hell of a lot of blow jobs for one girl to have to give.
I’m sad The Netherlands didn’t win, partly because I wanted them to win (I’m a fan) but mainly because I was curious to see how old Bobbi Eden was going to pull off this one. Something tells me had they won she might have bitten off more than she can chew.
Okay enough bad blow job puns, now I can tell you an interesting fact about her website.
It’s your typical porn star’s website (so i’m told, *blush, blush*). There are all sorts of naked pictures of her getting busy, in all sorts of interesting ways and positions. But now there is also this page you can click through to, where you can find all sorts of Bobbi Eden accesories for sale.
Like this mug:
Or this t-shirt:
Or these other WTF items:
Seriously? A doggie t-shirt? But what does that mean? Is she trying to say that the dog stood in line and she gave it a blow job? That’s just freaky man! And the dog was first, then she blew a bunch of other people. Gross!
But wait, this is even worse:
Bobbi Eden Porn Star Accesories for ‘Kids & Baby’:
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!

You really want your baby wearing a babygrow that says ‘Team Blow Job’ on it? Really? Surely that’s how you ended up falling pregnant in the first place?
you can get pregnant from giving a blowjob??? who knew!
yeah, a blowjob is like marijuana, it’s a gateway drug, it leads to all sorts of other stuff. 😉