I’m doing a lot of multi-tasking at the moment.
I’m sure you can all relate.
Work is off-the-hook busy.
And life is ticking along at a bit of a frenetic pace.
So I’ve decided to rename today – Multi-tasking Tuesday.
These guys have got the right idea:
See, while getting busy doing ‘The Reverse Cowboy’, she’s playing Guitar Hero, and I can’t quite see what he’s up to, but my guess is he’s selling something on e-bay.
Hey, I just thought of something, if it’s his own sperm that he’s busy selling on e-bay then they’re taking the whole multi-tasking thing to a whole new level.
I just don’t think I can compete with those kinds of mad multi-tasking skills. The best I can do is GHD my hair while I’m watching TV, or reply to a text message while I’m on the loo. (I suddenly sense I’m about to recieve a lot fewer text messages!)
Happy Multi-tasking Tuesday everybody, I hope it’s a constructive one.
Definitely a whole new level! Does anybody else think that the picture on the laptop looks like a smaller version of the picture we are looking at?
ha, too true Ninnles, i think you might be right, it does look like a smaller version. innnnterrrrressssting.
Awesome!!! (Wouldn’t try it though) And yes… I think it IS a smaller version… Disturbing much??