I’ve found a site that i find astonishing. in a crazy mad fucked up way. Although the more I look at it, the more it makes sense. I guess.
I mean a girl or a dude can only go on so many crap, crazy, awful dates before they decide they’d really rather just date themselves.
After all everyone already thinks they’re incredibly smart, good-looking, funny and nice to be around, and who wouldn’t want to date that?
I bring you this piece of internetweb goodness:
Yes i know, it requires a little more explanation. So here we go, this is the site’s splurb:
The only way to truly explain this phenomenon is to show you. So here are some snaps of couples pasted directly from I’m dating myself:
Nope, definitely no Photoshopping here.
Especially with those bearded chicks.
Nasty, but not photoshopped.
Were these taken in Iowa? 😉
Ewww, those are weird… some of them work very well though! 😉
@kaloo, bearded chicks, always a winner. dudes dig em, right?
@conversationpieces – i know, some of them actually make very nice looking couples. 🙂
Yes, dude’s dig bearded chicks.
A roll in the hay with a bearded chick always results in amazing exfoliation on the dude’s face.
Also, a bearded chick comes in handy when I want to sand down my surfboard to a beautiful smooth finish.