If you read Sunday’s column, then you’ll know what this is all about. If not you’ll just think this is weird, which is fine by me too.
Thought I’d share the kinky test that I mentioned in the coloumn. For pure WTF value. If you want to do it for real, go here and take the test. Like I said in the column, I stopped taking the test at question ten, it just got a little ridiculous for me at that point. So I honestly can’t tell you if it works.
Check out some of these ridiculous questions:
1. You hate kinky sex. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
2. It feels better when you can’t see where your partners are touching/licking/sucking/biting you? Agree/Disagree/WTF?
3. You despise being chained down. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
4. You like to use “props” in the bedroom. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
5. You prefer sex with the lights on. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
6. You like to feel pain. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
7. Handcuffs excite you. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
8. You love feeling helpless during sex. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
9. Kinky sex is the only kind of sex. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
10. The thought of drinking someones blood excites you. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
11. You find vampires sexy. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
12. You love biting, whips, handcuffs, and chains. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
13. You hate being bitten. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
14. You cut yourself. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
15. Blood is gross. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
16. You like to be master when it comes to sex. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
17. Teeth are a must. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
18. The less you can actually see, the better. Agree/Disagree/WTF?
So, how did you do? More disagrees, more agrees, or more What the fucks?
No wait, I really don’t think I want to know.
It’s been said that using a feather is kinky, but using the whole chicken is perverted.
haha well i guess that everyone is kinky in it’s own way xD