Suddenly feels like things are all happening quite quickly as the process gets underway for completing A Girl Walks Into a Bar, the first book in the series of choose-your-own-adventure erotic novels that Sarah Lotz, Helen Moffett and I are co-authoring. (Due out July)
We’re just days away from delivering the first manuscript, which we’ve been whipping into shape since November. Yes, expect many sexual double entendres here, it turns out that they’re unavoidable when writing about the act of writing about sex.
One of the most exciting new developments is the arrival of two of the covers. Sheesh, these guys are really on it, they move fast.
When the first one arrived I opened the email with my hands over my eyes. I so badly wanted it to be awesome. And thank Gucci, I got awesome in bucket-loads.
This is the Danish cover, courtesy of Lindhart & Ringhoff
Hot right? I flipping dig it!
And here’s the one from our Swedish Publisher, Bonniers.
I am in love.
Now back to the edit.
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