Whoop whoop whoop. I won something.
And I’m not talking about ten trillion dollars in the Namibian Lottery.
And I’m not talking about crabs, I didn’t win crabs either. (phew)
I won a book voucher from Exclusive Books.
I know, how rad!
They had a competition on their Facebook page over here. And I entered it and then didn’t think about it again until they emailed me to say I’d won.
Winning stuff is awesome. And winning books is double awesome when you’re a book nerd like me.
So here’s where you come in. I’m looking for suggestions on what books to buy. What’s the best book you’ve read this year?
And so as to ensure good karma I figure it’s a good idea for me to give something away too. To appease the competition Gods. You know, get something, give something kind of vibe.
So, I’m giving away a copy of my book, A Million Miles from Normal to one lucky commenter who lives in South Africa:
I’ll take all the names of everyone who comments on this post with book suggestions*, and I’ll put all the names in a hat (*Sorry, anyone can comment and make suggestions, but only people who live in South Africa can win, sorry it’s the post offices fault.) and then next week Wednesday, the 20th November, when I’m back in SA, I’ll have one of the hot young studs at work pull out a name. That person wins a copy of A Million Miles from Normal, the novel.
How does that sound?
Cool? Cool.
When Hungry,Eat: Joanne Fedler
If you can still find it “The Birthday of the World” by Ursula le Guin will keep you thinking for days after the final page…
My Year of Meats by Ruth Ozeki or Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
I’d go for ‘The worst date ever, or how it took a comedy writer to expose Africa’s secret war’ by Jane bussman.
This is quite a handy post – I haven’t had a book for a week and I’m feeling withdrawal symptoms (I’m someone who buys handbags based on whether or not I can fit a novel in there with all my other junk so I’m never without reading material).
Also, next week Wednesday is the 20 October…
Bwahahahahaha me, jade – so it is, look at that! Sorry, have holiday brain, no idea what the date is.
I totally agree with you, while a clutch purse is cute and all the rage right now, where would I put my book?
Great sounding suggestions so far, i want all of them. my year of meat is the only one of those I’ve already read. Jade that bad date one is quite a title.
That sounds WAY cool! Your book has been lying in my Kalahari wishlist for a week now!!!
I can suggest the following:
Wild Swans by Jung Chang
Growing up Bin Laden by Jean Sasson
Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort
Slave by Mende Nazer
aww and i really wanted that book guess ill have to look for it in the libray so umm my book suggestion is dreamhunter
and the first of the in death j.d.rob series another two classics that are cheap are blue willow and beno’s bear
i’d suggest 2, the thirteenth tale by dianne setterfield and street of 1000 blossoms by gail tsukiyama
(don’t need to put me in the draw, i already own a copy of your book. loved it, looking forward to the next one)
Hahaha you are forgiven for holiday brain, and yeah, it’s a mouthful. I haven’t delved into it myself, hurrying along a friend who’s reading it first so I can borrow it (can you tell it’s halfway through the month but I’m already broke). Hearing great things though…
Me! Me! Me! Pick me! Pick me!
I’m not sure who the author is though.
*ok you can stop Googling, I made that up!*
You could ask me for my book suggestion in 10 years time, and it will still remain the same.
The Broken Wings, by Kahlil Gibran.
It’s quite short, but then it would have to be coz the writing is quite intense… like me 🙂
OK so I got 2
Margaret Atwood – Alias Grace
Kathryn Stockett -The Help
Sharing is caring, you ROCK!!
I wasn’t sure what to suggest, so i browsed exclusive books, and found a book i own, and would heartily recommend.
The Importance of Living, by Lin Yutang.
The have hard and softcovers available. BTW, which do you prefer, personally?
peace and love
Amazing suggestions so far. Keep em coming. Just don’t know how I’m going to choose! Maybe names in hats for this one too.
The help has been on my mental wish list and Kahlil Gibran is a winner, also quite keen on the wolf of wall st. Will look up those others I haven’t heard of.
Anyone read wolf hall? Is it any good?
David, hard cover books are so beautiful, but I just run out of space for them and they’re heavier in the old handbag, so I really mainly buy soft covers. Do you still love me? Which do you prefer?
Gail i loved alias grace, all Margaret Atwood in fact. She’s brilliant.
Hard covers are great for the shelf, but when curling up on a couch in the sun ….
you know 😉
peace and luvses
Tao Te Ching – translated by Stephen Mitchell ( this one is short and stay on my bed side)
The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma
I’ve just started Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver.
Loved the back cover:
“Here we drink three cups of tea to do business: the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third you join our family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything – even die.” Haji Ali, Korphe Village Chief, Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan