some people just have strange thoughts. it’s a fact.
but things really start to get crazy when those strange thoughts are then translated into actions.
and then things like this happen:
a nice big bowl of crazy for breakfast anyone?
i can only imagine the internal dialogue these folk had went something like this.
PERSON: i can’t decide what tattoo to get. hey i’ve got an idea, maybe i’ll just get a picture of what’s directly under my skin, done on top of my skin. cool, yeah, i think i’ll do that.
and this is what results:
yes, he now knows his hand, well, like the back of his hand.
and here’s the Hannibal Lecter illustrated recipe book:
hope you’ve had your morning coffee. seriously, you should know better than visiting this site before you’ve had your morning coffee.
heroin addicts love this one. makes mainlining so much easier.
That’s gross. Especially the baby one is VERY creepy…
Bizarre-o-world city!
the one on his head !!!
Holy crap, how incredibly un-sexy to have your ovaries on the outside of your body.