A big warm welcome, hoezit, hellos, hiya to follower number 200, Janaina. (She has just started (literally just one post) a make-up blog, which looks like it could be very very cool, check it out if you get a sec. One day when her blog is famous then you can say you were one of the first to check it out.)
So, I spent a long time wondering what you might like to get as a reward for being follower number 200.
And then it came to me in a blinding flash of inspiration. Who wouldn’t want a naked model jumping out of a cake?
Me, me, pick me! I hear you shout.
So here you go follower number 200:
PS: Just a huge thank you to all of you for popping by when you do. It means so much to me. Apologies if you find a pube in your slice of cake, it’s kind of hard to avoid under the circumstances, i’m sure you understand.
YAY Paige, high fives all around 🙂
And what, pray tell are those circumstances??
thanks gail.
ummm @liquid pix…. it’s hard to avoid getting pubes in your cake when there’s a naked man standing right in the middle of it, right? don’t you hate it when that happens!
Ooooh! I was so busy trying not to look at ugly naked guy that I didn’t even see cake. That does explain the pubes…
thank you for the cake! I feel honoured and a tad nauseous all at the same time x