okay this is hilarious.
A chap living in UK named Darren Scott logged into Twitter and got the fright of his life when he realised that he had been taken for our very own South African ‘k-word sprouting’ Darren Scott. His twitter stream has been inundated with insults and comments for the last 24 hours.
To his surprise not only had he suddenly acquired over 1300 followers, but he’s trending too.
His response has been great.
I love a guy with a sense of humour.
I think Jacaranda and Super Sport should offer him a job.
And pity the poor Mark Esterhuizens (it seems like many are also ex-pats in Hong Kong and the UK) who have been fingered in several tweets already for this tirade
“Good morning.
(clears throat) I’m Mark Esterhuysen. Franc racism. Franc the pigs who killed Andries Tatane. Franc the AWB. Franc racism. We are all wild animals meant to live free.
(speeds up) Franc capitalism. Franc fascism. Franc this Francing wage-slavery graveyard shoot. Franc domestication.
Franc Malema. Franc the state. Franc perpetual economic growth on a finite planet. This is the only Francing planet we have.
If you don’t agree with me, please see my blog: markesterhuysen.blogspot.com.
Peace. Love. Respect. Anarchy.
Follow me on Twitter @markesterhuysen.
You can follow me on Facebook, as well. Mark Esterhuysen.”
Rumour has it Mark will be releasing a sure-to-be hit single with Floyd BF Shivambu.