So only akin to ‘do you want to come up and see my stamp collection’, I bring you part two of potentially the world’s most boring sentence; ‘Do you want to see my holiday slides?’
Only I didn’t do any bird watching (not birds in the classic sense anyway, more like some night birds and a couple of cocks.) so hopefully my slides won’t bore you to tears, or have you falling asleep in your coffee cup. Right let’s get started. Lights please, thank you.
One of my very favourite Dutch sights was this series of paintings in an art gallery in Amsterdam. I was there at night time so the gallery was closed and I could only take pictures through the windows, which is my excuse for why they’re such terrible pictures. sorry.
They’re paintings of made up fictionalised Penguin Book covers. Heart, heart, heart.
I’d really love to own a series of these and put them up in my home. Will have to get onto researching that immediately. Does anyone know anything about them?

Moving along swiftly.
This is a store in
Which is only really funny if you know this fact: I once had an Art Director (whom I loved dearly) named Paul Warner. Truth is, he could have done with being a little warmer.
Abraxas, This next one is specially for you. It’s a coffee shop I frequented while in Amsterdam:
(Sorry everyone here whose name is not Abraxas, I tried but I couldn’t find coffee shops named after all of you and smoke dope in them. I did try though. I put in a valiant effort.)
Also sorry it’s such a crap picture, Abraxas, but it was late and I’d just come out of a coffee shop, what do you want from me, dammit.
Now this next one is a great example of how to sell a book. Check out this shop window. An entire display dedicated to this one cook book. Love it.