…thanks to the monumental doofuses at the SABC who decided to air a cricket match on SABC 3 tonight without warning, instead of the scheduled amazing race! here’s a hint – play the sport on the sports channels, prickheads! it’s not like you don’t have enough to choose from. according to my clever friend miss middle goat there are 19 sports channels on offer. i mean are there even that many different types of sports?
you don’t see us watching top chef on the rugby channel, or survivor on supersport 42, do you? no. never. we just wouldn’t.
(thanks to ‘anonymous’ for rightly pointing out that SABC doesn’t have any sports channels. oh. yes. you’re right. they don’t. i feel a bit bad now.
although a little warning they were canning amazing race might have been nice. maybe a gift. chocolates, or a little something?
also a special boy’s channel on SABC seems like something they should consider, don’t you think?)
um the sabc has only 3 channels….dstv has the rest….etv 1…., my poor brothers with out the moola dont have dstv…sorry for you rich whites
fair enough anonymous, i feel your pain.
i suggest an sabc channel dedicated solely to sport. that way you can have your cricket, and i can have my amazing race.
what do you think?
i think we should get married 😉
what would your dad accept as a fair labola?
or must we do the whole haggling thing ie. six cows plus sixteen goats and 14 guard dogs then start factoring in the bribes and increases if you wax your legs etc
a big black jewish wedding. this is going to be awesome!!! (that’s right, a three exclamation marks in a row kind of awesome!)
oh wait, hold on, you don’t spell extreme ‘EKSTREEM’ do you?
will anonymous be my new surname? or is it your first name?