And with this we see my very final Sunday Times Column for the year. I promise to keep them coming every week again next year. I’ll try blog a little between now and then, but can’t guarantee it, I think my pip needs a small but well-timed break, and I’m sure yours does too. I…
Tag: sunday times
Naming and shaming
I was recently commissioned to write a piece of erotic fiction in the vein of the 50 Shades of Grey series for Cosmopolitan Magazine. I know, I know, somebody bring that bandwagon around so we can all hop on. I thought quite hard about it and then accepted the job, in the hopes that erotica…
I sue you
Greetings, well we’re on the downhill road to the end of the year. Only three columns left. Wow, easily the fastest year yet. So sue me, here’s yesterday’s column: A MILLION MILES FROM NORMAL – By Paige Nick I SUE YOU Revenge isn’t really a trait we see in any other species. You’ll probably never…
Dating a lunatic
Morning, here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times column. Hope you enjoy. A MILLION MILES FROM NORMAL – By Paige Nick DATING CRAZIES The other day I was browsing what’s available on my local dating website and the distressing possibility started to occur to me that I may have run out of men to date. What if, as…
Blackboards in Porn
Firstly a big welcome to my new home. We’ll have a proper roof wetting as soon as I’m properly settled. I hope you’ll enjoy it here. Here’s Sunday’s column. Rather a day late than not at all, right? A MILLION MILES FROM NORMAL – By Paige Nick YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON PORNOGRAPHY. When last…