Ever dated a Bermuda Triangle? What about a pirate? More below: Here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times column. Sent to you with love. LOVE TRIANGLE – By Paige Nick In the last five hundred years, over one thousand ships and planes and countless human beings have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle. Will we never learn? Surely…
Tag: sunday times column
The sexth sense
Hola, first column of the year. Happy New Year friends. Smells like it’s going to be a good one. THE SEXTH SENSE – By Paige Nick Dinner parties ignite a lot of things; conversations, arguments, ideas for books, love affairs, hate affairs, divorces, even food poisoning (I’ll never eat duck again). They’ve also sparked a…
Last Sunday Times column for the year
And suddenly it was the last column of the year. It’s been a fun year. Text you all next year. Have fun, be safe, don’t be good. xPaige. SWAPSIES – By Paige Nick Take a deep breath. Ah, can you smell the booze on the air? It’s that time of year again. You blink once and…
Do you have a high Q?
First of December? You’re shitting me. Really? Wowzers. Have a great week folks, cos they’re coming at us fast and furiously. Here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times Column. DO YOU HAVE A HIGH Q? – By Paige Nick Ever wonder how smart you are? I’ve always avoided finding out, in case I was disappointed by the…
Are Canadians boring?
LET’S GET FREAKY – By Paige Nick Ever wonder if you’re the only person who secretly fantasises about dressing up in tinsel and having sex with a cucumber? Or wrapping your penis in Glad Wrap and wearing a Velcro speedo? You probably are, but that doesn’t mean you’re the only deviant in the world….
Happy OAM
Five things you didn’t know about orgasms, coming right up. Yesterday’s Sunday Times column is here: HAPPY OAM – By Paige Nick Scientists widely report that the brain is our least understood area. Since we’re talking about body parts, I’m going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that our bits are possibly…
Your heart will mend, your willy won’t
Morning, here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times column, where I put my cock on a block for you. COCK ON A BLOCK – By Paige Nick A few years ago I had a boyfriend, briefly, who threatened to commit suicide every time I tried to break up with him. Like I said, it was brief. I thought…
Chicken catwalk
Morning lunatics, here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times column. About nappies for chickens, I shit you not. CHICKEN CATWALK – By Paige Nick You reach a certain point when you think you’ve finally got a handle on it all. It comes with some bumps and scrapes of course, but over the years you figure out what…
Newly dating (uncut)
Morning pimps and hoes. Here you goes, yesterday’s Sunday Times Column. And even better, much like your date last Friday night, it’s the uncut version. DE-JA SINGLE – By Paige Nick All fashions come around again, just look at crop tops and high-waisted pants. Wait long enough and eventually you’ll find yourself back in it….
Question Mark
Here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times column about Ask Roulette. My favourite, no question. QUESTION MARK – By Paige Nick I went to a hip event in New York last week. I know it was hip because there was a lot of facial hair in attendance – not the pedophile type, I’m talking grade-A, hipster-quality….