This column first appeared in the Sunday Times Lifestyle on 4th June, 2017 SUNDAY TIMES CONCH – JUNE 2017 – By Paige Nick SEX, LIES AND INFOGRAPHICS You know what the Internet has almost more of than cats knocking glasses off tables? Sex surveys and infographics. We are obsessed with sex data. I think it’s…
Tag: Conch
April Conch – You’ll never walk alone
This column first appeared in The Sunday Times on the first sunday in April. CONCH – APRIL – YOU’LL NEVER WALK ALON – By Paige Nick In December I bought a Christmas tree, and the other day I watched soccer. When will this madness end? Sorry, not soccer, football. I’m told there’s a difference. Although…
March Conch – Transitions
This column first appeared in The Sunday Times on 5th March 2017 MARCH 2017 CONCH – By Paige Nick TRANSITIONS A very close friend of mine’s sister is currently on a journey to transition from a woman into a man. She’s on testosterone and meeting with surgeons, and I can already see on Instagram that…
I wrote a letter to my love – Feb Conch
This column first appeared in The Sunday Times on 5th February 2017 SUNDAY TIMES CONCH – FEBRUARY 2017 – By Paige Nick So you arrive in space. It’s 11:32 on a Tuesday morning. The aliens gather round and you have to explain how and why we date. And it’s the most awkward hour of your…
Conch jan 17 – Hambushed by advent
This column first appeared in The Sunday Times on 1 January 2017 CONCH – JANUARY 2017 HAMBUSHED BY ADVENT – By Paige Nick In December I bought a Christmas tree. Which is only remarkable if you know that I’m Jewish and it was my first one. It came with a lot of learnings, like sap….
Dec Conch – Love & loo paper
This column first appeared in The Sunday Times on 4th Dec 2016. The road to love is paved with loo paper CONCH DECEMBER 2016 By Paige Nick Growing up, my mom didn’t give me a lot of advice. I was the youngest of six kids, by the time I came along I think she was…
Bring back the quickie
This column first appeared in The Sunday Times on 25th September 2016. OCTOBER CONCH – By Paige Nick LONG SEX VS SHORT SEX ‘What’s a Jewish ménage a trois?’ my tax accountant asked me last Wednesday. ‘I don’t know,’ I responded, which is pretty much my standard response to any question my tax accountant asks…
Cunning breakup tricks – Conch
This column first appeared in Sunday Times – 4th September 2016 SEPTEMER CONCH – By Paige Nick THE BREAKUP KING After 20 years of serial dating, which is a different thing to cereal dating (when you date someone who appears yummy and good for you at first, but you later discover what they’re actually made of…
Pokemon better than sex
This column first appeared in the Sunday Times LifeStyle section on 7th August CONCH – AUGUST 2016 POKEMON GO BETTER THAN SEX – By Paige Nick Suddenly Pokemon Go is better than sex. I personally do it as often as I can. Not Pokemon Go, I’ve never done that, I mean sex. Bizarrely, three weeks…
I do. Not.
This column first appeared slightly edited in the Sunday Times on 3 July 2016. CONCH JULY 2016 MARRYING AN APP – By Paige Nick I often wish I was married. Wait, that came out wrong. I’ve never wished I was married. What I mean is that I often wish I had a wife. In…