How much sex we say we’re having vs. how much sex we’re ACTUALLY having. Men tell one story.Women tell another story. And condom data tells its own story. Please click here to read the column.
Tag: blog
New look in the hood
Welcome to my new-look home. What do you think? Blog totally redesigned. I’m still finding my way around. So, here’s a cat in a hoodie: Relevance: new hood, cat in a hood? Yeah, it’s tenuous at best, gratuitous at worst. It’s possible I was just looking for an excuse to post a cat in…
Blog loving
My gorgeous, talented niece, Jade, has started a blog over here. She’s a remarkable young woman who is all heart. She is a great adventurer, setting out to see every corner of the world, and trying do some good while she’s about it. Actually I just discovered her ‘about me’ section on her blog, and…