This month for our She Said/He Said column that appeared in The Times on 3rd July, Jason Mykl Snyman and I decided to write about masturbation from a She Said, He Said point of view. The Times ran out of space and had to cut the column in half, which would have been appropriate and…
Tag: A Girl Walks Into a Bar
Barnes and Noble! No way!
In life, we all get just a handful of pinch-me-now moments. This is easily all five of mine rolled into one. Today, the first in a series of choose your own erotic adventure novels I co-authored with Sarah Lotz and Helen Moffett (A Girl Walks into A Bar) launched across USA. Which means you can…
Only four more sleeps, America
To celebrate only four more sleeps till A Girl Walks into a Bar, (the choose-your-own-destiny erotic novels I’ve co-written with Sarah Lotz and Helen Moffett,) comes out in USA, I just did a short post over on the very fabulous Avon Romance Blog. It’s about how excited we are about the launch of this cool…
A Girl Walks into a Bar
So, our new book is out! It’s the first in a series of choose-your-own-destiny erotic novels that I co-authored with Sarah Lotz and Helen Moffet. You’ll find it in the ‘romance’ section in any local book store in South Africa, but it’s less romance and more boom chicka-wa-wa if you ask me. Can…
Confessions of a sex-toy shop owner
I was invited to do a podcast a couple of weeks ago with wonderful friend, author, and general all-round cool chick, Casey B Dolan. It was there I met fabulous 83 year old sex therapist, Esther Saphire and Paula Rubenheimer, the owner of Lady Fay’s Boudoir, an online sex-toy shop. We got chatting and this…
Death of a salesman
For those of you who missed it, here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times column, in which I have murder on my mind. If anyone has a good alibi for me, please get in touch. A MILLION MILES FROM NORMAL – By Paige Nick DEATH OF A SALESMAN Please forgive me if I seem a little unfocussed today….
Best of three
Morning, here’s Sunday’s column. Hope you enjoy. If not, I’ll rock, paper, scissors you to see who writes the next one. A MILLION MILES FROM NORMAL – By Paige Nick ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS. We can’t all be naturally sporty. Not everyone is a runner, jumper, or two wheel-pedal-machine maniac. Oh, what? It’s called a bicycle?…
A Girl Walks into a Bus
I’ve been in many busses before, but never on one. This is a bus currently cruising around Barcelona, advertising the launch of A Girl Walks into a Bar, or rather, Una Chica entra en un Bar, as it’s referred to in Spain. Urano, our Spanish Publishers, seem to be having a lot of fun with…
Our first happy ending
Today is a big day, not just because it’s a Friday. Today I picked up the very first paperback of A Girl Walks into a Bar that I’ve ever held in my grubby paws. It’s the Italian version: Ragazza Entra in un Bar, published by Rizzoli. Now my Italian isn’t very good, but I paged…
Sex, it is coming
DD day is coming soon. (When you write erotica, you get double D’s.) The first in the series of choose-your-own-adventure erotic novels that I’ve been writing together with Sarah Lotz, and Helen Moffett, is due out in South Africa in November with this cover, courtesy of Jonathan Ball Publishers: And it’s due out in the…