hello new follower, RWWells. i’m not sure if you know this, but i like to welcome all new followers here personally. see, i did it here first and then here and here, and at least a dozen other times. i’m chuffed to have you here RW, don’t forget to wipe your feet before you come in.
and hello new follower Juanne.
the very handsome Juanne has a very norty blog over here, called – A Slice of Gay Pie. lots of yummy boys over there let me tell you, although none that would give us a second glance i’m afraid ladies.
just to come clean, all these lovely hello pictures are nicked right off the net. please don’t sue me people of the net, i would credit you if i knew who you were, promise.
right team, so here’s the dilemma. continue welcoming people personally or no? i always thought i’d stop at 100 and here we are at 100.
please let me know in comments section below if you don’t like it or find it boring, i promise it won’t hurt my feelings. i just want this place to be nice for you all, so lemme know what you think truthfully and i’ll act accordingly. k?
if it’s boring i’ll can it.
if you like it i’ll keep it.
democratic, no?
Mmmmm… gay pie.
if this comment had been on the previous post… completely different meaning.
Haha, thanks for coming, next 🙂
Maybe group the next thank you for following messages in batches? I enjoyed mine, I’m sure others will do. Or can it and leave us feeling special among the other 99 🙂