This column first appeared here in The Sunday Times ZA on 31 May 2020. It might just be one of my favourite-looking columns ever. I love the illustration they’ve used. In fact the entire Lifestyle Supplement is pretty hawt. Incredible articles about the rise and rise of memes. And more. This one is about how…
As luck would have it
This column first appeared HERE in The Sunday Times on 24th May 2020 on day two billion and a half of lock down. Are we lucky or unlucky?
Would you rather?
This column appeared in The Sunday Times on 17th May 2020. Click here to read it. It’s about our communal sense of humour failure, the game of ‘Would you rather?’ and The Argument we had during lockdown.
How much sex are we actually having?
How much sex we say we’re having vs. how much sex we’re ACTUALLY having. Men tell one story.Women tell another story. And condom data tells its own story. Please click here to read the column.
An emoji tyop
This column about emoji typos first appeared here in The Sunday Times on 10th May 2020. My friend Mikaela and I got into a debate the other day about the use of the this emoji 👆 What do you use it for? I thought it was sad or frustrated, turns out according to emojipedia, it’s…
Standards are slipping
This column first appeared here, in The Sunday Times on 3rd May 2020. Have a column in today’s Sunday Times ZA about how standards in my home have dropped a little, during lockdown, while you’re all Marie Kondo-ing and learning Russian. Ndumiso Mapholoba Ngcobo has his regular column too, which should help you crack a smile. Please…
It’s like learning to ride a bicycle
This column about learning to ride a bicycle, appeared in The Sunday Times on 26 April 2020. Here’s a taster, you can read the rest here.
Are you brand loyal or just brand lazy?
What does it take for you to try a new brand of toothpaste, or cheese or mouthwash? It turns out for me it took the Corona Virus. Check out this new column here:
Karin and I spent the week creating this spread for today’s Sunday Times Lifestyle, with a free pattern, so that people can make their own masks at home. Please do share it widely. Here’s a link to the pattern if you want to download and print it, then cut it out and sew it, or…
Liquor on Lockdown
This column about liquor on lockdown, first appeared in The Sunday Times on 12th April 20Crazy. You can read it here: