you are awesomeness personified.
banksy rocks.
not much more to say about that brand of genius.
dating a 28 year old. not the best idea i've had all year.
there’s a reason i don’t date 28 year olds. besides the fact that at 35 i’m too old for them, and the thought of it makes me feel so dirty i want to take two showers in a row. the other reason is that i think men and women are already on a completely different…
more random stuff off the internetweb on a thursday afternoon.
i’m feeling a little grumpy this afternoon, but this nice stuff always makes me feel better. that and a double johnnie walker black label, with lots of ice. oh and swearing. and really pretty illustrations. and very clever words. even ones i didn’t write myself.
and while we're talking about cool artists.
these are by jason thielke, when they were handing out talent he waited overnight with a sleeping bag and a flask of coffee so he would be first in the queue.
creepy but cool.
this is by a japanese artist. i don’t know his/her name. but here’s a link to his/her website: it has a bit more of his/her work. his/her stuff scares me a bit, but it is beautiful.
let's hear it for copy and pasting.
take a look, i found this stuff all over. these things make me happy like shoes and cheese on toast makes me happy. ok enough for now, i suppose i’d better go do some work.
tooth tattoos: i saw it on the internetweb, so it must be true.
ok, I’m not even joking about this. You can now get a tooth tattoo. yup i’ll type it again to save your eyes the effort of having to go back and reread that line. you can now get a tooth tattoo.i googled it and it’s actually been around for a while (sorry, I’m a laggard)….
zhou fan-tastic.
as promised, the artist is zhou fan. a disgustingly talented chinese contemporary artist. all that talent in one person. not really fair.
if monday didn't exist would tuesday be the new monday?
for monday: for tuesday: