When you write the kind of stuff I write, super commercial and not at all literary (hell without Helen Moffett, Megan Clausen and Beth Lindop, it probably wouldn’t even be properly punctuated half the time), you follow literary awards and get excited for the authors nominated. But it’s not something I’ve ever shot for or considered….
She Said/He Said
This column first appeared in The Times on 4 July 2016, where Jason Mykl Snyman and I discuss Online dating from a She Said/He Said perspective. THE TIMES SHE SAID/HE SAID – ONLINE DATING SHE SAID – By Paige Nick I think I’ve finally figured out where it all went wrong with dating. In the…
What to read next?
This column first appeared in the July Good Book Appreciation Society Newsletter: I just finished the book I was reading, which means I have a mammoth task on my hands; deciding what to read next. Sometimes the choice is made for you. There’s a launch or panel coming up at a literary festival and you…
I do. Not.
This column first appeared slightly edited in the Sunday Times on 3 July 2016. CONCH JULY 2016 MARRYING AN APP – By Paige Nick I often wish I was married. Wait, that came out wrong. I’ve never wished I was married. What I mean is that I often wish I had a wife. In…
She Said/He Said – Romancing the Crones
This column first appeared on 13th June in The Times.
‘And couples’ and breaking up
This column first appeared in the Sunday Times on 5th June, 2016. BREAKING UP WITH BREAKING UP – by Paige Nick We all know an ‘and couple’. They’re that pair who are so inextricably linked that even their names meld into one. Shaunandmichelle invited us to a braai, or Onieandmoe called. They finish each other’s…
Undateable – Conch
This column first appeared in Sunday Times on 1 May 2016 CONCH – MAY 2016 – By Paige Nick UNDATEABLE I don’t know when the majority of men in South Africa mutated and became undateable. I don’t recall any reports of leaks at the nuclear plant, but then I’ve been known to skip a newspaper…
Kink BnB
This column first appeared in The Sunday Times on 3rd April: CONCH – APRIL 2016 BEDS COME STANDARD WITH HANDCUFFS – By Paige Nick Houses are so needy. I imagine it’s like having a teenager. When they aren’t eating you out of house and home, they’re breaking something. So a few years ago, when my…
Blown away by books and toilets
Once, when I was a baby, my parents left me in a shop. I blame the Camps Bay Library. We had this ritual throughout my childhood. Every Saturday we would split into two groups (I’m the youngest of six, so we couldn’t all fit into one car) and we’d go down to the Camps Bay…
Absence makes the texts grow dirtier
You read it here second. This column first appeared in The Sunday Times on 6th March 2016. MARCH 2016 CONCH – By Paige Nick LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS How do we feel about long distance relationships? I ask because I’m about to enter into one and I’m trying to figure it out. And by long distance,…