blog ‘followers’ over there to your right are wedged stuck at 49.
it’s a crap number.
not quite 50,
just finished being 48.
please somebody put me out of my misery and make it 50.
please don’t make me have to follow myself.
that would be humilliating.
There we go 🙂 50 it is!
thank you thank you thank you weeball.
um… weeball? interesting nickname, i’m almost too scared to ask about it. almost.
so 50 it is. not that i’m married to 50. i’m quite partial to 60, 70 and 80 too.
c’mon people don’t be shy.
people won’t think that just because you like to read about men who fart in speedos that you are a man who likes to fart in a speedo. promise.