Last week I got lost.
Yes that’s me.
I got lost in the city I was born in and have lived in for over 35 years.
Driving home from a job I’ve driven home from every day for the last year.
Somehow my mind was elsewhere and I took a wrong turn and found myself in the middle of an area that held no familiar landmarks or streets.
I was deep, deep in District Six.
It was amazing.
This shop was especiallly amazing:
Coronation Bazaar is unlike pretty much any other shop I’ve ever been in, in that there’s nothing they don’t sell.
Seriously, it was like being inside Mary Poppins’ bag. The one that she pulls all that crazy shit out of and you have no idea how she got it all in there. It was just like that.
Hardware, groceries, toys, haircuts, dried fruit, elephants, mazda stings, telephones, candles, Piers Morgan, dummies, paw paws, lawn mowers and concrete. They’ve got it all for sale.
It’s one bizarre bazaar.
Here’s their other sign:
Hang on they sell Dutch Patent Medicine!
What the hell is that?
The only thing i can think of is that it might mean marijuana?
Also they sell race cards too. Wow!
The next time someone plays one, I’ll know exactly where they got it from.
Seriously if there’s ever anything you need, just drive around till you get lost and the shop will be right there. Or call them, their number’s there on their door. 🙂
We don’t have any shops like that up here anymore, last one i saw was on the south coast.
Mary poppins bag indeed!!
peace 😉