Here’s a little secret. Sometimes I actually like spam. As long as it is riddled with errors, full of weirdness and makes me laugh out loud. Like this piece of oddity I received, unsolicited: simply click to enlarge Let’s take a closer look at some of the wonders of this mail: 1. Let’s start with…
Category: spam
Wham, bam, no thank you spam.
Morning all, here’s yesterday’s column in the Sunday Times, just in case you missed it. WHAM, BAM, NO THANK YOU, SPAM. I believe spam to be sent out by the bottom feeders and paedophiles of the universe. It truly is the scourge of the internet. Replica watches – no thank you, I think I’m all…
spam. the only thing worse than telemarketers. except at least you can delete spam. telemarketers, especially the ones from cell c, continue to call back long after you’ve trashed my computer has decided to step things up a notch. i now recieve french spam. ooh la la. fancy hey. now here’s something you didn’t…