Two weeks ago I wrote this article for The Sunday Times, it’s about how I struggled to find appropriate names for my character’s penises and vaginas when I wrote my latest novel, This Way Up. There are plenty of names out there for our organs, don’t get me wrong, but none of them really roll…
Category: penis
Map of the world's penis sizes
I first saw this on someone’s blog. But now I’ve lost track. Kaloo, was it you? Nik the Greek, was it you? Remind me and I’ll be sure to credit you. Anyway, then I went to Google and tried to find out as much as I could about it. Suffice it to say there’s not…
Weenie weenie winkie
So I was just thinking about penises. Oh, you mean you weren’t? Being the curious kind I was wondering about the world’s smallest penis. I mean there must be some dude out there who has the honour of having the world’s smallest winkie. Surely? I wonder if there’s some kind of competition? That would be…
This somewhat leathery-looking dude is Pricasso. Not sure who the bimbettes are. But probably something like Trixie (with hearts above the ‘i’s’) and Candi-with-an-i-not-a-y. I found Pricasso lurking in one of the particularly grubby corners of the internet. Yup, he paints with his prick. That’s what he does. One has to wonder how he originally…
I'm partial to a penis
Andrea Pritschow is partial to a penis. I guess I can relate. I too am fond of the penis. At the right time and place of course. From what I can gather, Andrea is an artist. She created this series of collections of crochetted penises, called; ‘My Hard Go On’, ‘About a Boy’ and ‘A…
i see penises everywhere.
apparently i have a dirty mind. it’s okay, i’ve come to terms with it. i’m constantly amazed at how, in a meeting, a conversation about readership amps can quickly deteriorate into somebody making a joke about anal sex. that’s how i know i’m not the only one with a dodgy fascination for smut. the rest…
teddy bears with vaginas.
who’s smoking crack now? it’s a soft fluffy teddy bear, with a life-like vagina. brings new meaning to the term ‘stocking stuffer’. it’s now on sale for xmas at in their christmas fuckery sale. i kid you not. you can also pick up a ‘catnip fetus toy’ and some ‘granny panty merkin panties’. because…
from vaginas to penises.
ok, so here’s the question: how does one follow up an insane post on vagina necklaces? i’ve never really had to think about that question before today. alright i think this will have to be the absolute last dirty post, i promise. From now on i’ll only blog about nuns and celibacy and line dancing,…
the penis doll.
when i was young(er) our family moved house once. in the new house somebody found an old box of junk that the previous owners had obviously left behind in the back of a cupboard, it was pretty much a bunch of old crap. a spatula, some old clothes and toys and this old doll, dressed…
michael crowe, i worship you.
i’ve mentioned to you before that michael crowe is my hero. his blog is over here: and one of my previous posts about him is over here: i just read one of his latest posts and it’s without a doubt one of the funniest things i’ve ever read. and so, shameless copy and…