so as you know i frequent a local online dating website. i chat, i flirt, i date, i avoid psychos. you know, the usual. so today i thought i’d introduce you to five of the people i will not be dating this week. 1. meet ‘carve’: now i believe i will not be dating this…
Category: online dating
the curse of the married man
i don’t understand something. what’s with all the married dudes on the online dating website at the moment? what the fuck is up with that? i was just going through the list of guys who have checked out my profile in the last 24 hours. in total seven guys checked me out, and of those…
what's with the moustache, guy?
i was online checking out the dating website and i came across a man. (real pity i can’t put up his picture, but getting sued would really fuck up my week.) anyway he’s great looking, great body, right age, height and other criteria. but here’s the thing. in his picture he has a moustache. it’s…
could this be mr rite?
blogging about the people you come across while dating online is a dangerous but enjoyable business. you don’t want to come across as a heartless, judgemental bitch. i mean seriously, i’m hardly kate moss myself. but on the other hand i really do need to show you some of these people. you need to see…
the quick shag.
i frequently frequent a local online dating website. the other night, well after midnight, i got this message delivered into my inbox: as you can see, he calls himself ‘hornyguyza’. i wonder if he wants to get to know me really well over a couple of months to see if we’re compatible. talk for hours…
dating in finland.
i’ve had some strange guys (and girls) ask me out over the years on the dating website. but this one is right up there. this guy is from finland, and he thinks we might make a good match: actually he’s from Forssa (loppi), Kanta-Häme, to be precise. which, according to wikipedia, is apparently over here:…
dating website crisis!
oh shit i’m having a dating website crisis! ‘one-liner larry‘ will have to wait till next week, this is important: this is what was waiting for me when i checked in to see if anyone might be interested in getting to know me, maybe go on a date, perhaps unbeknownst to themselves, get written about….
freaks and lunatics
online dating is hysterical! 87.999% of the time it’s just a bunch of completely horny lunatics who have thrown themselves onto the internet with high hopes and low standards. below is a pretty average profile that one might come across if one was a 30 something chick living in cape town looking for a match….
the geezer and the lesbian
for those of you who have been off smoking tik from a lightbulb on the cape flats for the last couple of months and have therefore missed some posts – i frequent an internetweb dating site. i’ve had a couple of fun dates and the odd relationship from it (and i mean odd), but mainly…
amish online dating.
good friend fuzzy juzzy found this. (*aside for fuzzy juzzy, what’s with the empty ninja toe, dude?) i wasn’t too suprised when he found it, that boy spends a lot of time surfing dodgy stuff online. but seriously, is it really a dating website for the amish? really? so i went and logged in. i’m…