A wise but slutty woman once told me – ‘All men look the same in the dark.’ And after spending a fair amount of time on the online dating website I’ve noticed that many of them look the same in the light too. There is a group of men on the dating website that I’ve…
Category: online dating
herpes anybody?
does the fact that i find this extremely funny make me a bad person? a while ago we had ‘date week’ here at A Million Miles, but somehow in all the excitement of a trekkie dating website and a dna matching dating website, i missed this gem. there is a dating website out there for…
how young is too young?
forget jesus, what would you do? i got this message in my online dating website inbox a couple days ago: from this guy: he’s twenty four for fuck’s sake! just to put things in perspective for those of you who don’t know me, i’m 36. (wow writing it down like that i feel older than…
5 things NOT to do when online dating
so considering i’ve been lurking around an online dating website on and off for the last seven million years and i remain mostly single, i am aware that i may not be the best person to hand out advice about how to attract your soul mate online. but since those folks who have succeeded are…
date a gay millionaire NOW.
i was surfing the net and this ad popped up on the page i was viewing: yes NOW! right this second. drop whatever it is you’re doing and go on a date with a gay millionaire. i insist. do you think the gay millionaire is the one in front, or the one behind? i’m going…
date week – women behind bars.
welcome to day three of date week. day one was dating for adults who like to wear diapers, day two was for the trekkies, and now… it’s women behind bars wednesday! fuck me sideways and call me suzie! this is insane. the incredibly talented lisa from the lovely blog; days like today, over here sent…
date week – tuesday is for trekkies.
welcome to day two of ‘date week’. yesterday we looked at a dating website for people who like to wear adult diapers. (yup i’m afraid so.) today is something a little less creepy, but no less crazy. it’s a dating website for ‘trekkies‘ (ie: people obsessed with star trek) here’s the website’s blurb: ha, ‘love…
it's date week.
welcome to Date Week. WARNING: THIS POST WILL HURT SENSITIVE EYEBALLS AND THOSE WHO HAVEN’T HAD COFFEE YET!this is how it works. every day this week i’m going to profile a different weird and wonderful dating website. i already covered dating for cat lovers over here and a cool amish dating website over here. at…
they call me naughty lola
this is a book review of sorts. i picked up this book a little while ago – what i like about it is that it combines two things that i rather enjoy. 1. it’s a book2. it contains dating ads apparently over the last ten years the London Review of Books has grown a reputation…
the crazy mad world of online dating
so i’ve been dating online for a while now. and i have the freaks and lunatics on speed dial to prove it. since charts and graphs have become a bit of a theme here this month, i thought i’d make my own online dating pie chart of my experiences so far. here it is: i…