The rational, intelligent, practical side of me knows that books aren’t living, breathing, feeling things. Of course not, that’s ridiculous! But the other part of my brain, the part that loves books like my own family, refuses to believe that. That’s why when I see my book keeping company with some of my favourite author…
Category: My Novels – need a fun read?
Open that book
Why is this week different from all other weeks, you ask yourself. Well two reasons actually. 1) anyone in advertising is suffering from a monster post-Loerie hangover. 2) it’s Open Book Week in Cape Town. If you haven’t heard, Open Book Festival is the first of it’s kind here in Cape Town. It’s the love…
Both of the second comings.
Two books coming out at the same time, from two different authors, on oppposite sides of the world, with an almost identical plot! You couldn’t make this shit up. Remember James Frey? Some people spend their whole lives being dogged by controversy. They can’t help it. It just is. He is one such person. He…
Go away, I'm reading.
My good friend, The Design Goddess, sent me this a while ago: I seriously love it. It reminds me of these paintings I saw in Amsterdam last year: I apologise for the bad quality of the pics, but the art was on the inside of the gallery and I was on the outside….
Why I hate the Book Lounge
Man I’m an idiot. You’d think I would have learnt by now. But no. ‘You silly girl!’ as my mother would say. I went to The Book Lounge last night, to check out the fabulous Sally Partridge and the wonderful Sarah Lotz read about scary things, in celebration of Halloween. Now I know the rules…
How long do you give a book?
Some months ago I took a book out of my book club. It had won a Booker and four friends raved about it, so I nabbed it. 48 pages in I found myself bored and restless. I persevered for another three pages and then I did something I very rarely do (particularly with a Booker),…
nerdy book stuffs
i just finished this book: it was surprisingly good and i whipped through it. among other things it’s about a stripper, so it had some smut in it, which is always good. and then it had a very cool twist at the end, that i really never saw coming. bonus. although it’s over 500 pages…