the very amazing ‘miss rose’ sent me this. if you’re a nerd like me you will enjoy trying to figure it out. It was created by a monumentally clever Capetonian illustrator named Jaco Haasbroek – his surname directly translated means ‘rabbit pants’ – i don’t know about the rest of you, but personally i like…
Category: miss rose
arm-wrestling death match roundhouse kick
one of the best things about my job is working in a studio with a bunch of monstrously young and creative guys and girls. so no matter how old and jaded i get, all i have to do is saunter over to captain stu and adonis’ desk, or hover around mr chicken and miss rose’s…
roundup of the loerie awards 2009 – 2nd night
it’s 3:39am and i just got home from the second night of loerie debauchery. i’ll see what i can do here by way of a roundup, but i warn you, it’s been a long weekend, and i might be a little worse for wear pissed. – john vlismas hosted. he was waaaay funnier than both…