Join me for the next couple of days as we explore some other people’s deal-breakers. After Sunday’s column on ‘deal-breakers‘ I got a ton of marvelous mails from people outlining what they will and will not stand for. Some broke my heart, and some broke my funny bone. I loved them so much, I thought…
Category: letters
You've got mail/male
I get letters in response to my weekly Sunday Times Column, some weeks they say nice things, other weeks, not so much. It doesn’t matter, I love them all just as much. Even the real meany-pants ones. In fact, secretly between you and me, those are my favourites. Like when I wrote that column about…
The good, the pretty good…
You should see my column inbox. It’s like a big depository of mad, crazy, wonderful insanity. Sunday’s column was about the lost art of the pick up line and the mails have been pouring in ever since. I’ve picked out a few that I thought you might enjoy. The first was astonishing, in that it…
Homemade condoms, really?
Whatever next? You ask yourself when you think you’ve seen it all. Then Chris, from Somerset West, sends you this picture in response to your latest column in the Sunday Times, which is all about The Condom Conundrum (Who should supply it, when is the right moment to pull it out, etc etc): He snapped…
You've got to love some of these letters
I get THE BEST letters every week following my Sunday Times Column. Most Monday mornings, after having a good moan, and feeling miserable for a bit (it is after all a Moanday) I open my Gmail account with a feeling of pure expectant glee. And this week was no exception. This one is a beauty….
Tree mail
Here are two letters from Sunday’s column which was all about having a ‘wasted’ youth. Unfortunately neither are from raging, disappointed Christians, sorry. But both are cute and made me smile, so I hope they’ll have the same effect on you. On email: Rotflmbao!! Classic! Just read yo column and you are spot on about…
Letters from a nut
As you may or may not know, I get massively varied responses to my column every week. Some weeks I only get responses from women, some weeks I only get responses from men. It’s really interesting. This week’s column, the one on men wanting sex anwhere, anyhow (see post below) only garnered comments from men….
Letters I love
I’ve mentioned before how much I love all the letters I get from my column. It’s my favourite part of the week. Here are two I got from sunday’s article on etiquette (the post below this). I heart them big time. Enjoy. Loved your article ~ as an Englishman from the ‘stiff upper lip’ brigade…
Kissing frogs
As many of you already know, one of the highlights of my column are the responses I get. I wanted to share this one with you: Hi PaigeOne of the highlights of my Sunday morning is reading you columns. “Things men shouldn’t invent” was brilliant. I think I remember an experiment I did my Zoology…
I've got mail
One of my absolute favourite things about writing a weekly column for The Sunday Times, besides getting to write a weekly column for The Sunday Times, are the emails I get each week from readers, in response to the column. Depending on the nature of the column, I get varying amounts of mail. The ‘sex’…