Are we there yet? No, it’s only Thursday. Oh well fuck you then. I’m drinking anyway. Someone at work sent this out the other day, and it just about killed me: It’s one of those pics you have to look at twice. Because, you see, she’s not really naked. The Caption says: ‘That must be…
Category: johnnie walker
friday night flights
what’s better than this on a jam packed, turbulent, 3-hours delayed, friday night flight back to cape town from joburg? this: thank you tiny little bottles of happines. i heart you.
it's a penguin that's also a biscuit. genius!
i have news. and it feels so big that it deserves a message dragged behind a plane, or a naked dancing cowboy, or a free bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label for every one of you followers, at the very least. but times are tough and so all i can afford is this typed drum…
i forgot to remember
i’ve written myself a note in my cell phone. i do that sometimes when i really really want to remember something very very funny, or moving or clever or important. i wrote it on saturday night, i remember that much. i was away for the weekend and we were sitting around a big fire talking…
i went to the gym this morning for a see i got a pair of spanky new running shoes.anyway the first two kilometres were torture.i couldn’t breathe and i felt like i was suffocating.i thought maybe it was the fourteen and a half johnnie walker blacks i had last night at the fabulous ‘nbf’s’…
an alliterative weekend away in worcester.
i had a perfectly lovely time this weekend at the golden valley hotel and casino in what the hell were you doing there? i hear you say. (yes, sometimes your voice is in my head (and christopher walken’s) but not in a creepy-please-see-a-doctor-kind-of-way, promise.) worcester is a little afrikaanse dorp about an hour’s beautiful…