If you go down to the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise.Or rather, if you go down to Long Street today, you’re in for a big surprise. I have a couple of favourite shops that I try pop into every now and then to make sure I’m not missing out on anything cool,…
Category: crazy
… and the ugly
So to continue on from yesterday, where I shared a couple of emails I received in response to my column on pick up lines, here’s one that got a little crazy. They come from a chap named Hans who first sent me this mail: How about a few affirmative action lines from liberated Sa women?…
Time for your annual Cat Scan.
You can think about it all you want, but at some point you just have to accept the fact that some things on the Internet simply don’t have a reason for being. They are there just because, and they are awesome, and we are grateful, end of story. Like planking and meme’s and ripping off…
Fashion smashion
Okay, can we all just step back and admit something for a second… fashion is fucked up, right? Who’s to say what’s in and out, what’s hot and what’s not? Okay, look, I’m not a complete heathen, I get your basic fashion trends and I usually try and keep up as much as is possible….
baby toupee
I don’t have a clue how I found this. Or if someone sent it to me or what. I think the craziness of it completely erased all memory from before I saw it. Wait, who am I, what am I doing here? What’s this curvy thing with a small dot below it, after this last…
Crazy psycho chicks from hell.
So for the last year and a bit on this blog, I’ve written many many many posts bemoaning the sad state of affairs on the online dating website I frequent. Married men, freaky deaky men, bad spelling men, lying men, odd men and just plain strange men, I’ve checked out all of them. But I’ve…
WTF Friday
I have a folder on my desktop entitled ‘WTF’. Because as I trawl the net on my daily travels I often come across things that are so strange that they defy reason. And I often just don’t know what to do with these things, so I drop them in this folder. The only thing these…
sleep talking man
Sleep talkin’ man is one of my very favourite mad blogs where I pop in to visit regularly. Adam lives in America with his lovely wife, Karen. Everything about them is normal and average in every way. Except for this one thing. He talks in his sleep.But like hectically. His wife, after years of being…
people of walmart
I had to do it. Well I didn’t HAVE to. Nobody held a gun to my head and threatened to pull the trigger. But still, no self-respecting peddler of smut, no person who has a blog which highlights the craziness of the human race on a daily basis, can avoid posting about this for too…
crazy shit you can buy on ebay
meet janine. she was trying to sell her breast implants on e-bay. starting bid – one dollar: i like that, there’s a standard ‘flat’ rate shipping service. strange irony, no? don’t worry, the implants have only been in her body for a couple of days, so they’re barely used. her big idea is to make…