Fellow blogger and fab lady Tiah brought this marvel of modern science and gaming to my attention a while back:
I suppose it’s what you would buy for the freak who has everything. After all, Christmas is merely a couple of shopping months away.
Still not sure what it is?
According to this site where it comes from, it’s a Wii-friendly Vibrator. See, one is for a boy, and the other is for a girl. And I guess two can play, or one can play. In the same room, or remotely. Aint technology rad.
On further research, this site calls it a ‘Telidildonic Add On’. I think the Wii marketing department are still working on the name. Oh wait look, they’re calling it ‘MojoWijo’ too, not great, but still an improvement on ‘Telidildonic Add On’.
It’s still in a testing phase.
If they get this right it might just be the best Wii game ever invented. Nobody will want to play Wii Tennis anymore. And fuck Wii-Yoga, quite literally!
OMW!Wonder what the farmer will say if he had to open his gift on Xmas and that pops out.
Ok so the one for the boy, I’m assuming they had the Chinese male market in mind? Clearly…
@farm girl, I’d pay good money to see the look on his face. Specially if u act like it’s a totally normal gift to give.
@kaloo – hello darling.